💧Claim Mechanism

The presale phase gets 0% transfer tax. Public sales get a 0.5% transfer tax on burning.

Slowly Presale Claim: Keep The Price More Stable.


Presale Claim will be activated after adding liquidity 24 hours, you need to wait every 10 minutes for 1% of your remaining presale rewards.

Example 1: If you claim the presale token every 10 minutes, you will receive 1% of the presale remaining tokens.

Example 2: If you claim the presale token every 60 minutes (1 hour), you will receive 6% of the presale remaining tokens.

Example 3: If you claim the presale token every 240 minutes (4 hours), you will receive 24% of the presale remaining tokens.

Example 4: If you claim the presale token every 480 minutes (8 hours), you will receive 50% of the presale remaining tokens.

Example 5: If you claim the presale token after the presale claim enables ~1000 minutes (16 hours and 40 minutes), you will receive 100% of the presale remaining tokens.

Note: Choose your best strategy.

Note: If you claim your presale token at X percent, the claimed percent will be set to 0 and you need to wait again.

Last updated