📗Vault Details


Cougar APY In Vault Details

The earnings of cougar vaults can be estimated through the APR and APY value displayed on their respective vault page in the vault details.

As can be seen in the vault details screenshots of the Fantom (above), there are multiple types of APR, all summing up to the Total APY of a particular vault:

Vault APR: This APR shows the earning $CGSV on the deposited asset.

Farm APR: This APR shows the earnings on the deposited asset. With automatic compounding, the farm APR then translates into farm APY based on the optimal compounding frequencies per year that are specific to each vault. This APR is automatically compounded onto your deposited assets.

Trading APR: This APR is the fee provided to Liquidity Providers when transactions like swaps are made on a certain platform. This annualized return is displayed as Trading APR in our Fantom vaults. This APR is automatically compounded onto your deposited assets.

Last updated