🔔Cougar Tokenomic
Cougar Tokenomics
1. Basic Information
Token Name: CougarSwap Token
Token Symbol: CGS
Contract Address: 0x26d88B1E61E22Da3f1A1BA95A1bA278f6FCef00b
Initial Supply: 550,000 CGS
Chain: Binance Smart Chain (BEP20)
Max Supply: 21,002,021
2. Token Distribution
Liquidity: 90% (500,000 CGS) - LOCKED 1 YEAR
Marketing : 5% (25,000 CGS)
Founder & Team: 5% (25,000 CGS)
3. Emission Rate
101 CGS/ Block9.09% to the dev team to ensure essential growth of the project
4. Transfer Tax (0%)
Burn Rate:
0.96%0% of transfer tax will be burned immediatelyAutomatic Liquidity Rate:
7.04%0% of transfer tax will be added to the LP pool and locked.Total Transfer Tax Rate:
8%0% of every transaction
Last updated