How To Set Up Your Wallet On Avalanche

1. Installing Metamask

Click here to install the Metamask extension on your browser. It can be installed using the Google Chrome Browser. Just click on the installation button and it should be automatically installed.

Besides, you can easily use your Mobile App to interact with.

2. Setting up Metamask

By default Metamask supports the Ethereum blockchain, but since Avalanche is EVM compatible it can be used the same way by setting a custom RPC endpoint.

2.1) Adding a Custom RPC Endpoint

In order to connect to the Avalanche Network, a custom RPC Endpoint needs to be added. On the top click on the network you are connected to and then select Custom RPC:

2.2) Filling the Endpoint Information

Fill it accordingly to the Avalanche Network that you want to connect to.



Network Name

Avalanche Mainnet C-Chain


Chain ID


Currency symbol (optional)


Block Explorer URL (optional)

3. Create New Wallet or Import Your Exist Wallet.

Last updated